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Error open Soccer Manager

1 dexterek91

Hi I cant open Soccer Manager, I copied and change files

how to correctly intall? I have polish version

03.07.2024 14:25

2 apfelsino

Hello lächel

Does Soccer Manager work after you have installed it (without patches)?

03.07.2024 14:27

3 dexterek91

works after install but version 1.00

please write me step by step what can I do

03.07.2024 14:44 | geändert: 03.07.2024 14:44

4 apfelsino

Mhh, does the patch v1.21c work?

03.07.2024 14:51

5 dexterek91

I reinstall Soccer Manager and when I wanted start 2nd time I have error the same as 1st screen, how to fix this?
now it works

03.07.2024 14:53 | geändert: 03.07.2024 16:41

6 dexterek91

what should I install after game?

I can only copied file for last patch or more?
When I have this error

I must run task manager to exit process

I have error after copy and change files v1.21c, pity the patch hasnt installer

Please write me what I should install after clean game

03.07.2024 16:42 | geändert: 03.07.2024 18:57

7 apfelsino

Does "me.res" exist in the directory?

Does the game have Polish or English texts in the game?

Sadly it looks like, that there is something incompatible hmmm

04.07.2024 01:01

8 dexterek91

I have Polish text then its incompatible?

"me.res" exist in the directory

04.07.2024 11:27

9 apfelsino

Mh, this should not really be the problem, the language files are overwritten with the patch.

You could try Patch v1.20 Beta 15 after a fresh install. It could be that it is the directory structure in the patch afterwards.

04.07.2024 12:09

11 apfelsino

Ok, I see. The directory structure is different from the German version.

Perhaps you can rename the folders into:

- config
- intro
- libraries
- managerbilder
- menusound
- resfile
- spielerbilder
- spielstand
- szenario
- temp
- usersounds
- wappenbilder

I don't know for what "score" stands. Perhaps "spielstand".

04.07.2024 20:45

13 apfelsino

Try the "fussballmanager_fun.exe" from the german patch.

04.07.2024 21:12

14 dexterek91

the same comunicat error

04.07.2024 23:47

15 dexterek91

I downloaded english version and have the same comunicat

05.07.2024 19:42

16 apfelsino

Oh, ok traurig

My directory structure looks like this:


05.07.2024 19:57

17 dexterek91

maybe only German works, it will be fix for English and Polish version?

05.07.2024 19:59

19 apfelsino

If the first patch(es) from our site don't work either, it's hard to find out, what changes are made in the polish version. Perhaps it is another copy protection.

13.07.2024 01:10

20 dexterek91

Where I can download version when I can play with this patch?

14.07.2024 20:45